The Scottsdale Property Shop
Buyer Archives
Is It A Good Time To Buy?
Is it a good time to buy a house? If I had a donut for every time I have been asked this question over the past quarter century, my whole family tree would have diabetes. In the pantheon of real estate inquiries, it remains unrivaled. All other frequently asked...
Would You Hire a Realtor to Cut Your Hair?
The year was 2005. The market was hot. White hot. Jump up and down, and yell I'm a pony! hot. Everyone within the city limits of Scottsdale AZ had or was in the process of obtaining their Real Estate license. By July, I had lost former clients...
Phoenix Historic District Homes For Sale
hat? You didn't think we never left the cozy confines of Scottsdale, did you? Don't let the self-typecasting branding of this website fool you. We serve the entire metro Phoenix area. We have a particular affinity for the historic homes of downtown...
Welcome, Winter Visitors!
reetings, Winter Visitors! On behalf of the fine city of Scottsdale, I'd like to welcome you to the land of short sleeves and flip flops. Whether you are visiting us for the first time or have been making the annual pilgrimage for many years now,...
What Is a Patio Home?
Alright, alright. Mickey’s a mouse, Donald’s a duck, Pluto’s a dog. What’s Goofy?
Earnest Money FAQ
arnest money. You've heard about it, been asked for it; you may have even written a check for it. What exactly is earnest money, though, and why do you need it when you buy a house? Earnest Money FAQ What Is Earnest Money? When buying (or leasing)...
How Long Should It Take to Find the Right Home?
Have you been searching for a home for six months? A year? Longer? If you have not found the home of your dreams (or, at least, the home of your needs) despite a protracted hunt, it's time to come to grips with this stark reality: you are dreaming too big. The home...
Agency and the Ascending Market
The role of a Real Estate agent in a transaction is an ever-evolving one. Remember sub-agency? No? That is a testament to how quickly and totally the job description has changed over the past couple of decades, with every passing generation bringing more empowerment...
Appraisers, Underwriters and the Artificial Suppression of Housing Values
In theory, an appraisal is an independent evaluation of a property by a neutral third party to determine its likely worth in the open market. In practice, it has become the de facto final word on a property's worth, overriding the agreement between a willing buyer and...
The Placeholder House
It wasn't your first choice. It wasn't your second either. In fact, the short sale you wrote the offer on was likely more a product of attrition than anything else. Short sales take time. Like most astute 2012 home buyers, you are all too aware that the offer you...