The Scottsdale Property Shop
Humor & Fiction Archives
All work and no play makes Paul a dull boy ...
Emotional Support Carnivore
"So this is what this place looks like," Howard noted, scanning the posh party room with approval. "No wonder the waiting list to use it hasn't gotten any shorter." The event he had in mind was gonna be legendary, if he could ever get management approval to reserve...
Dave and Becky scanned the busy, sun-drenched coffee shop patio. They had shared a laugh on the drive over about the fact that neither of them had any idea what the person they were meeting looked like. He had simply assured them that they would know him when they saw...
"I'm sorry, but the CCRs are very clear," Lucinda informed her young client. "Daily rentals are not allowed in this community." Dimitry stroked his thin black goatee as he paced, agitated. "Fine," he sniffed, his black horn-rimmed glasses sliding down his nose as he...
A.I. Killed the Real Estate Star
All that's left for you to do is move right in! Geraldine sat back from her keyboard, grinning as she laced her fingers behind her head. "You still go it," she congratulated herself on another job well done, her smoker's rasp yielding to a brief coughing fit. She...
Local Agent Decries Falling Commission Rates
Scottsdale, AZ - Local Real Estate agent, "Big" Bob DuPree is fed up with his paycheck going down. Originally licensed in 1982, DuPree has seen just about everything there is to see in the Scottsdale Real Estate market. From the double digit inflation of the late 80s...
Read more“I’m not saying they are flying low. I’m just saying the last one took about two inches off the top.”
Repeat Business
"I'm not saying they are flying low. I'm just saying the last one took about two inches off the top." Jerry Wentz grinned as he ran his stubby fingers through the few stubborn wisps of hair atop his otherwise bald pate. Shouting to be heard over the roar of the...
This Old House
as it the sagging beam on my front porch? Is that what drove you away? Was it my flimsy windows? My unruly yard? What about my fading paint convinced you that I was unworthy of a fresh coat? When did all the...
BREAKING: Local Real Estate Agent Only Attends Tour for the Croissants
Scottsdale, AZ - Real Estate agents have long utilized tour groups to expose their listing inventory to the local home selling community. A forum that allows agents to promote new and upcoming property listings to a group of fellow active area Realtors, the Real...
Press “0” for Functional Obsolescence
"So let me get this straight," Samuel Rothwall said, interrupting the twenty-something year old wonderkid with the lime green mohawk. "You're saying that young people prefer electronic mail for urgent correspondence?" Bonzai, the assistant manager of the Verizon...
Final Walkthrough
A Real Estate Allegory